Cornerstone Community Church of Brookfield, IL is a Christ-Centered, Bible teaching Church in Brookfield, for the Chicagoland area. Each week we gather to worship God, fellowship with one another, and hear an expositional, Bible based sermon.
When we Meet
Sunday Mornings
What To Expect
A typical service will last about 75 minutes. We sing God honoring music that is led by our worship team There is childcare available during the sermon portion of the service. Pastor Brandon or a guest speaker will give an expository sermon, Bible based sermon. Plan to hang around after the service for fellowship and meeting new people.
Pastor Brandon preaches an expositional, Bible-based sermon each week out of the CSB (The Christian Standard Bible).
Cornerstone has a worship band. We sing songs that magnify our triune God. Our services include both hymns and praise and worship song.
Cornerstone is a more casually dressed Church. Whether you wear your "Sunday-best" or dress more casually, you will be welcomed with open arms!
Cornerstone does not expect visitors to give in any way. If you wish to give an offering, we have offering plates in the back and online giving is available as well.